How to Become a Member?

How to Become a Member?

Established as organizations of machinery manufacturing sub-sectors or segments; Associations serving the following purposes are potential members of the Federation:

  • Bringing together the legal and real persons working in the machine design and/or manufacturing, serving the Turkish Machinery Manufacturing Industry and its sub- or sub-sectors, seeking common solutions to the problems in every field of the sector and providing solidarity on this path;
  •  Strive for the development of the sector, increasing the quality and efficiency in production, making joint initiatives for its members to adapt to the competitive environment in foreign markets, and trying to develop measures to prevent unfair competition in the domestic market;
  • By increasing communication and information sharing among employees, making its members knowledgeable about sectoral innovations; Aiming to serve the overall development of the Turkish Machinery Manufacturing Industry by supporting research and development and encouraging technology production;
  • Representing any sector of the Turkish Machinery Manufacturing Industry at a high level; expressing their opportunities and problems before national and international authorities; taking part in higher organizations such as international associations, unions, federations with overlapping purposes, and absorbing the scientific, technical and commercial knowledge accumulated in these organizations and transferring them to their members; and finally, with the aim of having a share in the progress of Turkish Industry in solidarity with associations and similar organizations representing other sectors.



Based on the above purposes and functions, the associations that will become members

  • Sharing the founding purposes of the Federation,
  • Having acquired their legal personality,
  • Having the power to pay the fees and contributions that form the basis of the income of the Federation
  • They have committed to comply with the provisions of the Federation's Main Statutes and Internal Regulations.
  • Representing their own sectors throughout Türkiye,
  • It will be required that they have been operating for at least three (3) years on the date of application for membership.

Moreover; Having the title of "Turkish" or "Turkey" in the name of the organization and being a member of international organizations in their own sub-sectors will be preferred for membership.